Advanced First Aid (formerly known as OFA L3)
New 2024 CSA-standard course
Advanced First Aid (formerly known as OFA L3)
General Information
Advanced First Aid (formerly known as OFA L3) is a 70 hour program designed to provide the first aid attendant with the skills to function as part of an effective first aid program in the work place.
The course consists of Lessons involving a minimum of 70 hours of classroom study and practice. Pre-reading for each lesson is essential. Lectures will cover those areas essential for learning emergency care, but the need for pre-reading and continual review is essential for the understanding of first aid subjects covered in each lesson.
Candidates must be at least 16 years of age and be able to understand and perform the first aid skills required to complete the learning tasks. No previous first aid training is required. This means you do not need to take Basic First Aid (OFA L1) or Intermediate First Aid (OFA L2) prior to taking this course.
Course participants are encouraged to assist in improving pre-hospital care of injured workers by promoting:
Workplace compliance with the Occupational First Aid Regulation
Effective interaction between attendants, employers and workers
Efficient co-operation with higher levels of medical care, such as the BC Ambulance Service and hospital emergency personnel
For walk-in patients that are sent back to work after treatment we give them a handout. These handouts used to be part of the printed material you receive during training, but not anymore. Please find the link to this document here for download.
What to do after booking your spot in the course:
Books will be given out on the first day of class.
You can already start by downloading the Electronic version of the new Advanced First Aid book, please read the information for the Priority Action Approach before day 1.
Advanced First Aid - Reference and Training Manual - v4 - 4 Sept 24-1
Download your electronic version